
A Slip of the Tongue (Chinese ink on paper) Belinda Broughton
A Slip of the Tongue
(Chinese ink on paper) Belinda Broughton

‘He works in a wine bottle.’ (my husband meaning to say, ‘He works in a bottle shop.’)

‘I always have to have a window seat, but I’m too afraid to look out.’
(overheard in a plane)

‘Ask Ervin; he’s a pushover.’ (my daughter at age seven, when a friend said to ask me for something. Ervin is her stepfather)

‘I’ve got a mental block.’ (my granddaughter, dancing around the house with a post-it note on her forehead)

‘Farts are funny no matter how old you are.’ (my son to his nine week old son)

‘I’m always in negotiations and normally I lose.’ (mother of a two-year old, at the checkout)

‘I’m a Russian Wolfhound.’ (my granddaughter, age 18 months, at the time that she changed her name to ‘Lizzy the Dog’)

Daily Prompt: Talking in Your Sleep

6 thoughts on “Overheard

  1. Wonderful images. Two favorites, the mental block and ‘farting’ –
    As we get older and can’t remember things… my one son informed me that I have ‘brain farts’.


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